Top 5 Best Rooted Android Apps

Today in this post i will tell you Top 5 Best Rooted Android Apps. we all know rooting a android device give so much benefit. we can customize or modifying according our needs.

Greenify - This is best rooted android apps that can save your battery life. Greenify can boost battery life by managing how apps tuns in the background. best thing about this app is it's available in both rooted and non rooted android apps. but it works much better in rooted android device.

Titanium Backup - It's best backup android apps. you can backup your apps data, contact, or every data that your phone have. but this app work only rooted device.

System App Remover - If you remove your system apps or some bloatware that include in your phone then this app really  helpful. this app let you remove your device per-built android apps.  

AdAway - This is one of the best android apps that let's you block all advertisement adds across all apps and browsers. AdAway on of the best android apps.

SuperSu - SuperSu one of the most popular android apps that works only rooted android device. it acts like a security guard for your phone that manage all your android apps and apps permission.

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