Top 5 Best Hidden Games In Google You Must Know

we know google is a massive search engine where you can find anything you searched. but do you know google also have some hidden games in his pocket. so, in this post i tell you 5 best hidden games in google you must play.

1. Atari Breakout - Type in google search bar Atari Breakout and    click I'm Felling lucky and see the magic. 

2. Tic Tac Toe - Tic Tac Toe is two player games that reminds your school days. you can play this game in google search engine.  

3. Solitaire - This is a card game that many of  people familiar with and you can play this game in google search engine. just type solitaire and play the game.

4. Pacman - If you love video games then you must know this game. this is old classic video game that you can play in google search engine. 

5. Snake - This is old classic snake game that everyone loves. and you can play this game in google search engine. just type snake and start playing game.

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