Rooting Android device allowing user root level access in Android device. when you root an Android device it enables to you act as the superuser of the Android device. Rooting Android device allowing you to remove bloatware, install custom recovery and custom ROMs, increase your battery life etc.but rooting your Android device void your warranty and might be brick your Android device.
1. KingoRoot
KingoRoot is best one click root apps for Android. KingoRoot offers every user the fastest and most convenient Android rooting experience. Kingo SuperUser is a superuser access management tool for rooted Android device.
NOTE: Before jumping into rooting process, please make sure you get everything right beforehand.
1. At least 50% battery level.
2. Active internet connection.
3. Allow apps installation from unknown source.
Root Any Android Device Without Computer 2019 :
Step 1: Free Download KingoRoot Apk.
Step 2: Install KingoRoot Apk in your Android device.
if you didn't check "unknown source" you will get prompt install block. so, uncheck the "unknown source"and then install the app.
Step 3: Launch KingoRoot app and start rooting.
Step 4: Waiting for a few seconds till the result screen appear.
Step 5: and root succeeded.