WhatsApp has recently submitted a new update through the Google Play Beta Program, bringing the version up to 2.18.373 version. So, Find out what are the new updates.
WhatsApp is rolling out the new "Multi Share" feature for Android. This feature will enable user to share multiple file with two or more contacts from another application. and this feature will also enable users a preview of the message before it is sent out. this feature has been spotted for both Android device.
2. Group Call Shortcut
WhatsApp recently develop new feature that adds a group call button in groups, in order to quickly make calls with the participants of the group. Once the feature is enabled for you, you will see the group call button in your groups.
3. Dark Mode
The Dark Mode on whatsapp has been in the works since a while now. the dark mode on whatsapp will turn the background of the whatsapp dark like YouTube, Twitter and others. this feature has been spotted for both Android and IOS device.
4. Share Contact Info Via QR
This feature will help whatapp user to share contact info via QR code. once the QR code is shared, whatsapp will automatically fill all fields and the contact will be added in users contact list. This feature spotted both in Android and IOS device.
5. View videos directly in the push notification
This feature will allow whatsapp user to play videos they received in push notification and no need to open the chat. This feature spotted in IOS device.
6. Ranking of contacts
This feature will allow users to rank their contacts on basis of their instruction on them. Ranking would mean if there is an exchange of media, simple text message will be ranked as avearage ranking and "if you ignore the message-bad ranking". This feature spotted in IOS device.
7. Add contact within WhatsApp
This feature will allow users to add contacts within whatsapp itself. once this feature will enable whatsapp will allow you to choose the country where the contact number you want to add and whatsapp will automatically insert the country code. this spotted feature is IOS device.